School Video Studios

Are you ready for your students to produce a video broadcast on your campus?

Shorten the Learning Curve

If you are researching how to set up a video studio, you are in the right place because I have set up dozens of school video broadcast studios. I can help you shorten the learning curve on how to set up a video studio for your school or office. You may just need some guidance on what equipment to buy, and you plan to set it all up yourself. That's exactly where I started more than 10 years ago. I can shorten the learning curve for you with recommendations for gear that works together in a tested environment!
Download the equipment list by clicking the button below.

School Video Studios

Are you ready for your students to produce a video broadcast on your campus?

All your School Video Production Needs

All your School Video Production Needs

From live streaming studios, student video production kits. From teacher training to video production classroom management. We have the resources you need to accomplish your vision for using video at your school.